Friday, May 10, 2013

How to get along...

How to get along with your significant other's friends, continued...

You are already at the park.  Follow me through the evening's events.

1.  Bring something messy to eat.  Like rotisserie chicken.  It's good for bonding, because it's so greasy!

2.  Bring a roll of paper towels.  See above.

3.  Don't expect secondary introductions or overly warm greetings.  These people are already familiar with one another.  You are the anthropologist entering their world.  You are on their turf.  There is no neutral ground.  It's go time.

4.  Pretend you are as comfortable with them as they seem to be with each other.  It's really just you being comfortable with yourself. 

5.  Laugh at their jokes. 

6.  Make a pun that you're pretty sure they'll like.  Wait for their laughter.  If you hear it, you're in.  If not,  know that they may be adverse to punning or witticisms in general, in which case, they may not be the friends for you.  They may just be your shirttail friends.  You gotta be prepared for that. 

7.  Ask questions.  Talk to them about stuff they're knowledgeable about or interested in.  For example, their jobs, their kids, and/or... childbirth. 

8.  Oh, and I forgot to mention, don't be afraid to show up a little bit late!  It shows that you are casual/cool, and/or that you last-minute had to hike to find the park's restroom facilities. 

9.  Be a gift to the family.  Give their kids a little attention.   Help the pre-schooler fold the blanket to the right size.  Hold their baby, even if you're not a baby person, and you freak out a little as you're afraid you'll break the kid's neck.  It'll be okay.

10.  Listen to and request to hear stories of the old times.  The more you know, the more you can joke about with them!

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