Friday, April 12, 2013

In which I say no to drug use

Let me be completely honest with you: I don't do drugs.  Well, maybe only caffeine occasionally.  So occasionally that I don't write that word, and I actually spelled it wrong.  And sugar.  Because that is definitely a drug.  So I am oblivious when it comes to, oh, say, paraphernalia, which word I also didn't know how to spell.  So oblivious that I didn't know that "bud" was a drug-related term, so when my friend and I were vacationing in northern CA last week and an old man we had seen on the beach drove by and offered us, instead of a ride in his car, "a bud from his garden", which he assured us was organic, I thought he wanted to give us flowers.  Oh my.  We had to google image search the phrase, and sure enough came up with the correct answer.  It was indeed fragrant, but of course I couldn't place the smell, either.  Guess what got flushed down the hotel toilet, unused but highly educational?  Oh yes, you are correct. 

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