Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Two Shoe

Once upon a time, I bought a new pair of boots.  I saw them nestled in a corner looking so forlorn.  I am sure they brightened up at the sight of me.  I saw no other pair.  We locked eyes.  They were tall, grey, and lucky.  I tried to find someone who would lawfully let me have them, but the seller was buying lunch from a nearby vendor.  I set the boots aside on a chair and perused other booths, from the northwest 1/4 quarter of the indoor area around the loop, and back to the point of origin next to the scarf seller.  Money exchanged hands, and they were mine to have and to hold.  The seller gave me an apologetic look and mentioned the worn-down heels.  I didn't waiver but proudly walked on with my stunning new-old boots hanging by their convenient loops from my right hand.  At the dress and leather shop down the street, a friendly sales clerk gave me free advice-- Don't wear those boots until you have had the heels fixed.  You will not be able to wear them at all if they are not properly taken care of.  She was full of goodwill and wishes for me and my boots.  I smiled at her and thanked her, so happy to know how to take care of what was now mine.  Fortunately, there is a cobbler down the street, around the corner and four blocks from where I work!  Oh, happy grey boot day to you all!

What is your favorite pair of shoes?  What do they look like? What do they smell like?  Where did you first discover them ?  How do they make you feel when you wear them?  Could they change your luck on a cloudy day?  Who is the first person you saw when you tried them on?  Where did you go on your first outing together?  How long have they been part of your life?

What a difference a shoe makes.  What a joy to have a pair.

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